The new Participate platform launched earlier this month and is available on This platform replaces the current version of BRCGS Participate. The existing BRCGS Participate platform remained open for two weeks to allow time for transition but it is now no longer available.
To continue to access Participate content, you need to register for the new platform on LGC Assure.
Points to note when registering for new Participate:
* Your BRCGS Directory account login credentials will work on so you do not need to create a new account.
* Your current BRCGS Participate login credentials will not work on or the new Participate platform.
Registration is a two step process:
1. Log in to your account, or create a new account, on
2. From the LGC Assure homepage, click on the 'Participate' tab in the top menu bar and follow the prompts to request access.
If you need to create a new account on, or have any difficulties with your registration and requesting access, please see the registration instructions.
Who may request access to the new Participate?
Participate is a convenient and flexible way to access a wealth of information in one place without the burden of additional charges. Access to the platform is open to:
- BRCGS certificated sites who pay a full service package fee. Sites must have a current certificate against any of the following BRCGS Standards to be eligible for access; Food Safety, Packaging Materials, Storage and Distribution or Agents and Brokers. To apply you will need the site code listed on your certificate (you can also find it in the BRCGS Directory).
- Approved certification body delivery partners. To apply you will need the certification body identification number which you can find in the BRCGS Directory.
- BRCGS trained auditors. To apply you will need your registered auditor number. If you don’t know your auditor number, please speak to your certification body.
- BRCGS Approved Training Partners (ATPs). To apply you will need your registered ATP number, which will have been given to you on registration and can be found on BRCGS Educate.
- BRCGS consultants. To apply you will need your registered consultant number. If you don’t know this number, please contact
If you have any questions, please contact us.