A trusted route to market

The gluten-free products market is predicted to be worth $8.3 billion by 2025, growing at a compound annual growth rate of 8.1% between 2020 and 2025. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of and wary about gluten in their diet and one in three are now avoiding or reducing intake. A number of challenges must be overcome to produce safe, reliable gluten-free foods that inspire consumer confidence. These exist throughout the supply chain, from preventing cross-contamination in the production process to branding products with a gluten-free trademark that retailers and most importantly, consumers, truly trust.

91% of consumers declare that their buying decisions are impacted by third-party verification and 76% prefer products certified by a recognised coeliac association.

The BRCGS Global Standard Gluten-Free uses a scientifically proven, risk-based management systems approach for effectively controlling gluten and gluten cross-contamination from incoming ingredients to the final product. It goes further than simply carrying out end-product testing and can easily be combined with a Food Safety audit. It is recognised by leading coeliac organisations around the world covering Europe, the USA, Canada and Mexico, meaning that sites that are BRCGS certificated are also able to include these trusted marks on their products.