Eleanor Nicholls


United Kingdom

Eleanor is an experienced and well-qualified food safety professional with 15 years’ experience in Quality Assurance and Technical roles within major manufacturing companies across several food sectors and since 2006 as a food safety consultant and auditor. Eleanor’s workload normally consists of a three-way spilt between auditing, training, and consultancy/mentoring work for food businesses that want to achieve or maintain BRCGS certification to the Food Standard.

Eleanor keeps up to date with developments in BRCGS through the Participate portal and by attending a variety of events e.g., Food Safety Europe and BRCGS Delivery Partners.

Eleanor has provided support for many businesses working towards BRCGS certification and provides regular support to several AA Grade sites to maintain and verify their systems. This is done through GAP analysis, independent internal auditing, design, development and implementation of bespoke Food Safety and Quality Management Systems that meet BRCGS requirements.

Relevant training undertaken includes Level 4 Food Safety, Level 4 Hazard Analysis, BRCGS Ethical Trading and Responsible Sourcing, VACCP & TACCP, Risk Assessment, Validation & Verification, Root Cause Analysis, Labelling, SGS Ethical Auditor, ISO22000/FSSC22000 Auditor and Certified Online Learning Facilitator.

Eleanor is a member of IFST and is registered on the IFST Register of Professional Food Auditors and Mentors; a member of RSPH, a member of Campden BRI, an Approved Training Partner/Approved Virtual Trainer for BRCGS.

Website: www.nefts.co.uk