Andreas Souliotis
Souliotis Andreas is a business consultant and Lead Auditor concerning quality and food safety standards such as EN ISO 22000:2018, ISO 9001:2015, BRC Ver.8, IFS Ver.6.1 and FSSC 22000. He is a graduate of the TEI of Athens, Department of Food Technology. He holds an MSc in Quality Management University of West of Scotland and PhD in Food safety Benchmarking at Harokopio University of Athens, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. Also, he is a postdoctoral researcher at Harokopio University of Athens, Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. He has 7 scientific publications in international journals and 5 papers in international conferences. He belongs to scientific team of the Panhellenic Union of Food Technologists. His research interests include food safety, food fraud, food defense, legislation, total quality management and functional food technology.