Storage and Distribution Issue 4

Background to development of S&D Issue 4 Standard

The consultation and review of emerging new concerns identified opportunities for further development since the publication of Issue 3.

The key areas identified:

  • ensuring global applicability and benchmarking to the Global Food Safety Initiative (GFSI)
    • unannounced audits- 1 in 3 audits, blended audits (remote offsite and announced onsite audit)
    • allergen management
  • include industry best practise by encouraging the development of product safety culture
  • increase emphasis on continual improvement by enhancing root cause, internal audit requirements
  • adding clarity to the requirements for open food product handling operations
  • reflect the changing role of logistics sector – growth of E-commerce, diversification of operational activities (e.g.: cross docking, automation including robotics)
  • incorporate position statements and learnings from the previous standard Storage & Distribution Issue 4 Timeline


    Storage and Distribution timeline

     Public Consultation Feedback Mid May 20 to Mid June 20
     Training Course Development/Publication  June 20 to Nov 20
     Train the Trainer & Trainings  Nov 20 to May 21
     Publish  Nov 20
     1st Issue 4 Audits  May 21